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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

What's new in endometriosis


Seance of wednesday 05 february 2025 (Communications libres)

DOI number : 10.26299/kha5-hg90/2025.05.03


Endometriosis is a common disease since it affects around 10% of women of childbearing age and is the leading cause of infertility.
The diagnosis is essentially based on endovaginal ultrasound, then MRI. to map the lesions, especially if surgery is planned.
The saliva diagnostic test seems very interesting and useful in painful patients with less suggestive imaging.

The aim of medical treatment is amenorrhea which reduces inflammation and pain. In addition to estrogen progestins and synthetic progesterone, the use of which is becoming limited due to the risk of meningioma, LH RH analogues can be conventionally used. We can also cite the treatment of neuropathic pain with antidepressants.

Surgery for deep endometriosis is especially recommended in cases of pain or obstructive disease.
Endometrioma surgery can be harmful to fertility.
In the event of rectal damage, Shaving is recommended as first intention.
Robotic surgery seems interesting especially in complex cases.
HIFU is an interesting non-invasive technique for upper and middle rectal locations.
Prevention of recurrence relies on prolonged hormonal treatment after surgery
Current care, especially for surgical or complex cases, is carried out within the framework of a multidisciplinary consultation meeting, possibly attached to a territorial sector.