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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

The Pitfalls of Morse Cones

Frédéric DUBRANA

Seance of wednesday 04 december 2024 (L'Académie reçoit la SOFCOT - Les reprises des prothèses de hanche)

DOI number : 10.26299/8qde-qc93/emem.2024.32.01


It was in 1863 that Stephen Ambrose Morse (1827–1898) patented the Morse taper. This connection principle, defined by its conicity, enables the transmission of torsional forces into compressive forces. It has been used in orthopedic surgery since 1976, allowing for the creation of a solid component from initially separate individual elements.
Orthopedic surgery must address the following issues:
• Can alloys of different metals be used?
• What are the best indications?
• Can a modular neck be used, and can the Morse taper principle be applied to the diaphysis-neck interface?
• In cases of incompatible Morse tapers due to wear, is it possible to use an adapter sleeve?
• With over thirty years of hindsight, do epidemiological studies and tribological analysis confirm the initial clinical expectations despite surface alterations?