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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

L'ostéoporose et les insuffisances du traitement actuel

yves cirotteau

Seance of wednesday 07 february 2024 (Communications libres)

DOI number : 10.26299/hq7g-c397/emem.2024.05.04


As orthopedic surgeons, our role is to treat and repair as best as we can broken bones that have already lost part of their bone mass because of age and/or osteoporosis. We must take into consideration the fact that the bone needs to get - from the site of the fracture (or other areas of bone) - enough calcium for the creation of a new callus and the mineralization of the bone crystal.

It can sometimes take as long as five years for a healthy bone of a young adult in good physical condition to recover a structure identical to the structure it had before being subjected to space micro gravity. How long will it take for a broken bone belonging to an older person, that has already been subjected to mineral loss, to recover its pre- fractured state?

No surgical treatment focuses on cancellous bone loss due to osteoporosis. In the course of a prospective multi centric, randomized study, it was found that several fractures not treated with a bone substitute had not consolidated after one year. Those treated with a living bone substitute can recover in two months or less for some of them. None of the metallic implant is able to treat properly all fracture sites of a complex trochanteric fracture, except a modified Staca nail and a screw-plate stabilized with two cables.
Twenty-two patients were treated preventively with a living bone substitute. None of them broke her hip.