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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

The Cone-Beam in routine practice: traumatology and foot surgery

Philippe BEAUDET

Seance of wednesday 10 january 2024 (Le Cône-Beam Orthopédique en charge)

DOI number : 10.26299/p5je-8p47/emem.2024.01.01


We have been systematically using conebeam in routine practice, replacing plain radiographs, since January 2019, for traumatology and foot surgery.
This choice is motivated by the desire to improve our diagnostic performance. In traumatology, the aim of imaging is first and foremost to detect subtle lesions, which means using the most sensitive tool available. For surgery, the aim is to assess the pathology as accurately as possible, in order to propose the most precise treatment possible. We take the example of hallux valgus, the most frequently treated foot condition in France. From an ethical point of view, as we own a more efficient technology, we have a duty to offer it to the patient, as soon as X-ray emissions and cost are comparable to those of conventional X-rays.