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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

Apports et limites du virtuel : Seasonal Wrist Forum, Wrist Journal Club, IWC symposium et groupe Word of Wrist


Seance of wednesday 27 september 2023 (IRCAD-IWC au service de l'enseignement)

DOI number : 10.26299/d0vy-s679/emem.2023.27.04


“Online large-group teaching” (OLGT) are teaching and knowledge exchange techniques using a virtual environment. They have become more popular since their advent in the 2000s and their development has naturally accelerated after the Covid-19 pandemic.

It is in this dynamic that the IRCAD-IWC group has diversified by developing various virtual educational events around wrist surgery and wrist arthroscopy, in addition to courses in IRCAD centers. The Seasonal Wrist Forum, launched in 2019, has the particularity of being a mixed session, both online and face-to-face, hosted and moderated by experts from the wrist arthroscopy course. The monthly webinars, IWC symposium and Wrist Journal Club, are interactive online sessions, open and free of charge. Finally, a Whatsapp group bringing together more than 1000 surgeons with a particular interest in wrist pathology has been created. It allows a continuous exchange of information and complex clinical wrist cases between surgeons of all ages and levels.

The interest of OLGT compared to traditional face-to-face teaching is obvious and their advantages are multiple: democratization of access to teaching and knowledge, increase in the flow of available scientific information, etc. Nevertheless, the first feedback shows certain limits (loss of the dynamics of face-to-face interactions, problems of ethical online teaching, etc.). Constant self-evaluation and adjustment are essential in order to perpetuate these methods of disseminating knowledge and guarantee their academic legitimacy.

Clinique Bizet , Paris
International Wrist Center – Clinique du Poignet -Institut de la Main