Traitement des cancers des quadrants inférieurs du sein par plastie mammaire de réduction
Seance of wednesday 12 april 2006 (pas de sujet Principal)
Aim: Evaluate bilateral reduction mammoplasty in the managementof breast cancer in the lower quadrantsPatients and methods: 60 patients were operated on between 1992and 2003, mean age was 53 (ext: 34-75), by a double team of oncologistsand plastic surgeons during the same operative procedure,for a cancer in the lower quadrants (T1-2, N0-1a, M0). Radiationtherapy was delivered to all patients with a boost in 30% of them.Results: Mean cancer size was 17.5mm (with 10N+ patients). Meanweight of the lumpectomy was 220g (80-900). There was one localrecurrence at three years. Cosmetic result was good in 75% of thecases. Radiation side effects: fibrosis, induration and telangiectsiasand vicious cicatrisation on the contro-lateral breast were responsiblefor the medium quality results.Conclusion: Bilateral reduction mammoplasty is a good techniquefor the management of cancers in the lower quadrants. A doubleteam, with a logistic organization, gives good oncoplastic results.