Nucléolyse à l’ozone, traitement mini-invasif des discopathies lombaires / Intradiscal oxygen-ozone therapy, a minimally invasive treatment for lumbar disc degenerative disease
Séance du mercredi 23 novembre 2022 (Traitement interventionnel actuel des discopathies lombaires)
N° de DOI : 10.26299/qev7-aq55/emem.2022.35.03
Les discopathies dégénératives sont une source fréquente de lombo-radiculalgies et touchent jusqu’à trois quarts de la population générale. Le traitement de référence est la prise en charge conservatrice, associée aux antalgiques. Néanmoins, la lombo-radiculalgie peut résister au traitement antalgique et être source d’un retentissement fonctionnel et social important. La nucléolyse à l’ozone, ou ozonothérapie, est une des options mini-invasives pour le traitement local de ces discopathies. Elle consiste à injecter, via une aiguille positionnée sous contrôle radiologique dans la partie centrale disque inter-vertébral (nucleus pulposus), un gaz : l’ozone. Ce gaz possède des propriétés anti-inflammatoires et également sclérosantes, entrainant une rétraction de la portion herniée du disque. Le geste peut être réalisé en ambulatoire ; avec un risque quasi-nul (risque théorique d’infection infime). Une efficacité antalgique est obtenue dans 60 à 70% des cas à distance.
Mots clefs : Discopathie, ozone, nucléolyse
Pr F. Clarençon. Service de Neuroradiologie Interventionnelle. Département de Radiologie Interventionnelle Sorbonne Université.
Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière. Paris. FRANCE
Degenerative disc disease is a frequent cause of lumbo-radicular pain et may affect up to three-fourth of the population. The reference treatment is the conservative management, including pain killers. However, lumbo-radicular may resist to medical management and can be a considerable source of functional and social disability. Intradiscal oxygen-ozone therapy is one of the mini-invasive options for the focal treatment of these degenerative disc diseases. It consists in injecting, via a needle positioned under imaging guidance in the central aspect of the intervertebral disc (nucleus pulposus), a gas: the ozone. This gas has anti-inflammatory and sclerosing properties, which lead to a retraction of the herniated portion of the disc. This procedure can be performed in an ambulatory fashion, with a low complication risk (very low theoretical risk of local infection). Its effectiveness in terms of analgesia is obtained in about 60 to 70% of the cases at follow-up.
Key words: Degenerative disc disease, ozone, nucleolysis
Pr F. Clarençon. Department of Interventional Neuroradiology. Department of Interventional Radiology. Sorbonne University.
Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital. Paris. FRANCE
Mots clefs : Discopathie, ozone, nucléolyse
Pr F. Clarençon. Service de Neuroradiologie Interventionnelle. Département de Radiologie Interventionnelle Sorbonne Université.
Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière. Paris. FRANCE
Degenerative disc disease is a frequent cause of lumbo-radicular pain et may affect up to three-fourth of the population. The reference treatment is the conservative management, including pain killers. However, lumbo-radicular may resist to medical management and can be a considerable source of functional and social disability. Intradiscal oxygen-ozone therapy is one of the mini-invasive options for the focal treatment of these degenerative disc diseases. It consists in injecting, via a needle positioned under imaging guidance in the central aspect of the intervertebral disc (nucleus pulposus), a gas: the ozone. This gas has anti-inflammatory and sclerosing properties, which lead to a retraction of the herniated portion of the disc. This procedure can be performed in an ambulatory fashion, with a low complication risk (very low theoretical risk of local infection). Its effectiveness in terms of analgesia is obtained in about 60 to 70% of the cases at follow-up.
Key words: Degenerative disc disease, ozone, nucleolysis
Pr F. Clarençon. Department of Interventional Neuroradiology. Department of Interventional Radiology. Sorbonne University.
Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital. Paris. FRANCE