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Les e-mémoires de l'Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

The future of Simulation in robotic surgery training and credentialing, Update on the US Fundamentals in Robotic Surgery


Séance du (SÉANCE FRS (Fondamental Robotic Surgery) à l’Académie Nationale de Chirurgie - Enseignement de la chirurgie robotique)


AbstractThe Fundamentals of Robotic Surgery (FRS) is a comprehensive simulation-based curriculum developed by 14 surgical specialty societies, the Department of Defense and the Veterans Hospitals through a rigorous process of consensus conferences and Delphi reviews. It consists of a comprehensive course that includes the full cognitive (didactic) skills, psychomotor skills and team training & communication skills for the pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative components that would apply to any generic robotic procedure - from the moment the patient enters the operating room until the patient leaves the operating room. The details of conducting the extensive methodology for "full life-cycle curriculum development" includes processes such as criteria for subject matter experts who develop the course, task deconstruction and analysis, error identification and definition, a new robotic-specific device for training and assessment, team-training scenario development, setting standards for proficiency benchmarks, assessment tool development for non-technical skills, summative test question evaluation and validation study design. The curriculum is open source public domain and available as a web-based online course. Validation Trials and high stakes testing are under development.Intervenant : Christophe VAESSEN (Paris)