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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

A code for each intervention,

François RICHARD

Seance of wednesday 19 february 2025 (Nouvelle nomenclature, nouveaux paradigmes)

DOI number : 10.26299/mpc5-cg12/2025.07.02


The LFSS of 2020 deemed it necessary for the CCAM, which had become partly obsolete due to the lack of evolution and maintenance, to be reviewed, adapted and prioritized by an independent structure, which led to the creation of the High Council of Nomenclatures and an innovative transitional registration mechanism with real-life registry. In 2004, the CCAM replaced the NGAP and the opinion of the HAS is essential for the registration of new medical acts. The complexity, the multi-year delays, the refusal rates explain that despite the 13600 codes of the ACPC, several hundred missing acts persist, leading to thousands of coding by assimilation, weakening the SNDS and preventing any relevant traceability in patients. Based on the experience acquired by descriptive coding, registration and temporary pricing of interventions under telemanipiulation, a new organization of all operative, surgical or interventional procedures, can be proposed with an agile Observatory bringing together under the auspices of the ANC, HAS, HNC, FSM and ATIH which would manage for any missing act or any new act, over a given period and with valid criteria of databases, favoured by the registers, allowing optimal traceability, reduced HAS deadlines, harmonisation of the descriptive and tariff CCAM, and an assessable relevance of the acts.