The way William Harvey solved the mystery of the heart movement.
Seance of wednesday 05 february 2025 (Communications libres)
DOI number : 10.26299/y6m8-1w65/2025.05.01
William Harvey solved the mystery of the heart movement and of the blood circulation at the beginning of the 17th century, in an England whose way of thinking was close to the Middle Ages. After having studied in Cambridge and in Padova, the most famous university of that time, he practiced in London where he became physician of the king. The great idea of Harvey to understand the movement of the heart, was to carry out the experimentation on small cold-blooded animals, of which the heart conformation is simpler than that of mammals. He showed that the heart is a muscle and not a dilatation of the artery and that the heart pulses the blood in the arteries, when the faculty used to teach that the arteries aspirate the blood. He showed that there is a single blood in the body, which must necessarily move in a circuit.