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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

Locally advanced soft-tissue sarcomas. An innovating triad to avoid amputation: isolated limb perfusion, tnf alpha, and free microsurgical flap

Michel GERMAIN | SB Sylvie BONVALOT | MCM Marie-Christine MISSANA

Seance of wednesday 12 february 2025 (La Microchirurgie: les progrès récents)

DOI number : 10.26299/dd2k-9a55/2025.06.01


We retrospectively studied the benefits of isolated limb perfusion combined with TNF ALPHA administration and free flap reconstruction in locally advanced soft-tissue sarcomas of the limbs.
We treated 37 patients with locally advanced soft tissue sarcomas.
The sarcomas were located in lower and upper limbs and had a mean diameter of 15 cm and 12 cm.
They were multifocal in 8 cases and recurrent in 15 cases.
Seventeen patients received neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Adriamycin,
Sarcoma excision was combined with a complementary procedure in 10 patients: vascular graft or nerve anastomosis.
Reconstruction. was performed with free flaps of latissimus dorsi, n=31, transverse rectus abdominis flaps, n: 4 forearm flaps, N=2.
Early postoperative radiotherapy was administered in 25 cases.
The procedure lasted a mean of 6H 30.
The limb was preserved in 78% of cases
Thirteen patients developed pulmonary metastases and seven of them died.
With a median follow-up of 5 years, the overall survival rate was 65%.