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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

Technological developments in anterior segment surgery: gadget or real progress ? Example of the 3D microscope


Seance of wednesday 19 june 2024 (Ophtalmologie : l'innovation au service de la précision chirurgicale)

DOI number : 10.26299/3kwp-p848/emem.2024.21.05


While the emergence of new surgical techniques is relatively common in ophthalmology, it is rather rare for a new industrial technology to establish itself and revolutionize our daily practice.
The objective of this presentation is to analyze the recent contribution of 3D visualization systems in ophthalmic surgery in light of this observation. Is it a real advancement or just another surgical gadget in our arsenal ?
We describe the technique and its applications here and attempt an objective analysis of the promised benefits. Ultimately, despite significant media coverage, the expected advantages of 3D microscopy appear minor in routine ophthalmic surgery and are offset by certain drawbacks such as cost, maintenance, and image resolution. On the other hand, the technique proves indispensable for certain specific situations, which raises an important question: how can we develop an expensive technology if it is only truly useful for rare indications ?