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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

What can we expect from A.I. in cataract surgery?

Jean-Pierre ROZENBAUM | Jean-Claude COUFFINHAL

Seance of wednesday 19 june 2024 (Ophtalmologie : l'innovation au service de la précision chirurgicale)

DOI number : 10.26299/m1tp-n292/emem.2024.21.02


Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in France and already has a success rate of more than 90%. What can the I.A. bring ? Preoperatively, it will make it possible to improve the calculation of the intraocular implant, to gather preoperative data on a dashboard (verbatim, numerical data and imaging), to analyze them and to plan the operation. In the operating room, the microscope will become the central element. The coupling of voice control and imaging will improve accuracy with VR. The Microscope-phako-emulsifier coupling will allow the perfusion to be adjusted according to the anterior chamber depth and improve safety.
Robotics can only come from the phakolaser (FLACS) because of the homeostasis of the intraocular pressure required during the different phases, requiring a closed globe for a large part of the operation. Many problems still need to be solved.
The patient will also benefit from many trained applications that can respond to their requests at any time and guide them in their care pathway.