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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

Side‐to‐side magnet anastomosis system duodeno‐ileostomy with sleeve gastrectomy

Guy-Bernard CADIÈRE

Seance of wednesday 24 april 2024 (La chirurgie viscérale magnétique)

DOI number : 10.26299/ze1t-xx84/emem.2024.15.02


Procedural complexity, complications, and suboptimal weight loss or weight regain after classical bariatric procedure require ongoing technical improvements and inspire development of new interventions to avert these challenges. One such minimally invasive surgery strategy is the reduction of the number of gastrointestinal anastomoses,as in single-anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with SG (SADI-S) and single-anastomosis sleeve ileal bypass (SASI) .

We assumed that forming the bipartition using a magnetic compression anastomosis technique would obviate materials retained in the body (e.g., sutures, staples, clips, glue) lessening the potential instigation of leaks, bleeding, infection, and stricture.

After a study of feasibility on 5 patients in Tbilisi, Georgia,we started in Brussels a series of ten patients to establish standardization of the procedure and confirm the feasibility, safety and efficacy at one year follow-up.

We believe that the technique described allows for less invasive, safer and more effective anastomoses both in bariatric and general digestive procedures.