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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

Solidarity Surgery In A Local-Regional Hospital In Madagascar Médecins De L’océan Indien (M.O.I.)


Seance of wednesday 27 march 2024 (Chirurgie Essentielle et Solidaire)

DOI number : 10.26299/j5f2-qj86/emem.2024.11.04


This NGO created in 1990 carries out 2 “flash” missions per year in Madagascar, with 3 objectives: treatment, prevention and training.
Its particularities: - Multidisciplinary, with a traveling team (general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, optics) and a hospital team (“general” surgery, ophthalmology, ENT, cardiology, gastroenterology, ultrasound)
- Associating Malagasy missionaries (around thirty) and French (around twenty).
- Change of site for each mission
- Majority local sponsorship
- Free care, including consumables, medicines, eyewear, etc.

Each mission makes it possible to treat around 14,000 patients, 3,500 in medicine-pediatrics, 4,000 in optics, 1,500 in dentistry, and to carry out between 90 and 100 “general” surgical interventions, common (hernias, goiters) but also more serious ( obstetric fistulas, prostate adenomas, colorectal, gynecological cancers, portocaval diversions, etc.), and around a hundred ophthalmology cases (mainly cataracts).
We invest in 2 local operating rooms, plus 1 room for ophthalmological surgery, using only local operating tables, all surgical and anesthesiological equipment as well as consumables being provided by the mission.
The surgical team includes 1 visceral surgeon, 1 plastic surgeon, and 1 urologist. Local surgeons are encouraged to actively participate. Nurses are missionaries. Aseptic conditions do not allow osteosynthesis.
The diagnoses are clinical and ultrasound, possibly endoscopic (digestive cancers and portal hypertension).
With these limited means (no mechanical stapling for example) it is nevertheless possible to treat numerous pathologies, including serious ones, in pediatrics as well as in adult surgery. A surgery that looks like the 70s, but effective at low cost.