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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

La Santé mentale et préparation cérébrale du Chirurgien


Seance of wednesday 03 april 2024 (Les nouveaux outils à la portée du chirurgien : du facteur humain à l’environnement digital)

DOI number : 10.26299/v0s5-f815/emem.2024.12.03


This presentation delves into the use of electroencephalography (EEG) as an innovative tool in mental health and brain preparation. The first segment discusses EEG as a preventative tool, highlighting its ability to detect biomarkers for conditions such as chronic insomnia, burnout, depression, and anxiety. The second segment addresses the application of EEG in enhancing attentional functions and reducing these biomarkers, underscoring its potential as a brain preparation tool.

Finally, we introduce a study on surgeons, which demonstrates a significant 26% reduction in surgery task time, thus indicating the effectiveness of EEG in the mental training and preparation of healthcare professionals. This multidimensional approach opens new avenues for incorporating EEG into prevention and cognitive performance enhancement.