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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

Polyvalent Hospital Medicine (Internal General Medicine /Hospitalist) in France: history, evolution, and training


Seance of wednesday 14 february 2024 (Apport de la médecine polyvalente hospitalière dans un service de chirurgie)

DOI number : 10.26299/f2rn-0p17/emem.2024.06.05


Ludovic Héry, Internal and Polyvalent Medicine Department, Le Mans Hospital Center, Le Mans, Sarthe, France, President of the French Society of General Medicine
Yann Poulingue, Polyvalent Hospital Medicine Department, Eu Hospital Center, Eu, Seine Maritime, France, Head of initial and continuing medical training commission French Society of Polyalent Medicine

Versatile Hospital Medicine allows comprehensive, graduated, transversal, efficient and ubiquitous care for patients from local to support and expertise centers.
Born from local initiatives in 2014, the French Federation of Polyvalent Medicine (Internal General Medicine /Hospitalist)), which became the French Society of Polyvalent Medicine (Internal General Medicine /Hospitalist)) in 2020, is increasing its actions and interactions to have its practices recognized throughout the hospital care pathway that makes up the sectors in which it operates. : Medicine, Medical Care and Rehabilitation service, in the Psychiatric sector (somatic care), in the so-called “organ specialties” services and in Surgery.
Also plural in the career of the practitioners who make it up, it actively participates in the initial and continuing training actions essential to better characterize its professional identity and its attractiveness; convinced that it is also among the solutions to current and future health and demographic challenges.