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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

Possible uses of fat tissue in urogynecological disorders

Alexandra CLERGET

Seance of wednesday 29 november 2023 (Adipocyte, graisse et chirurgie)

DOI number : 10.26299//emem.2023.34.05


Fatty tissue has been used for many years in urological surgery for the treatment of vesico-vaginal fistulas, as well as for a number of complex vaginal surgeries which include excision of urethral diverticulum, bladder neck closures and urethrolysis.

This tissue found abundantly in the body is highly vascularised and contains a blend of adipocytes, leucocytes, connective tissue and multipotent mesenchymal stem cells.
The development of liposuction has made it possible to reduce the morbidity associated with fat removal, to develop by-products like macrofat, microfat and nanofat but also to isolate mesenchymal stem cells.

These various products derived from fatty tissue look promising and, if their potential is confirmed, could eventually be added to the urologist's array of tools for a wide range of applications.