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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

Regenerative penile therapy : myth or reality ? How manage to evaluate the results ?


Seance of wednesday 15 november 2023 (L'érection: quoi de neuf en 2023)

DOI number : 10.26299/cxwg-x149/emem.2023.32.03


Since few years, plasmatherapy (injection of autologous platelet rich-plasma or PRP) became essential for the management of many diseases. The PRP seems to regenerate the tissues by the action of growth factors with an anti-inflammatory effect and a role on the extra-cellular matrix, angiogenesis and on smooth muscle cells and neural cells. Plasmatherapy can be part of the treatment of Peyronie’s disease and erectile dysfunction. The aim of the regenerative penile therapy is to replace or to be associated with the others available treatments but also to avoid surgery in case of treatment failure. Find reliable methods, such as penile ultra-sound, is necessary to evaluate the results of this new therapy. Moreover, the patients must be selected with rigorous requirements.