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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

Leader French Innovation Grands Defis "Robotic Surgery" and "Implants/Prostheses."

Alexandre BENOIT

Seance of wednesday 11 october 2023 (L'ANC reçoit France BioTech : la nouvelle collection)

DOI number : 10.26299/q3b9-d883/emem.2023.29.06


Within the Directorate General for Enterprise for the Ministry of the Economy, Alexandre BENOIT is in charge of two major innovation challenges: "Robotic Surgery" and "Implants/Prostheses." As part of the France 2030 Investment Plan, Alexandre BENOIT's mission is to support the future french leaders of the sector and contribute to structuring the ecosystem.

Graduated from Paris Dauphine and the CEA with a "Master in Technology and Innovation Management," Alexandre BENOIT has been working in the field of healthcare innovation for over 20 years, both within public institutions and as founder and director of healthtech companies.