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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

From thread and knife to digital patient clones and surgical robots: The quest for a new global model to train the technological surgeons of the Third Millenium

Antonello FORGIONE

Seance of wednesday 13 september 2023 (Communications libres)

DOI number : 10.26299/2c55-ev63/emem.2023.25.03


Nowadays, laparoscopy, robotics, virtual reality, augmented imaging, and artificial intelligence represent an armamentarium of useful tools for surgeons.

Despite these impressive technological advances, very little has changed in the education of young surgeons and of those that need retraining to learn new techniques.

If one analyze the complication rate, especially during the learning curve, and the difficulty in adopting new technologies, one can figure out that the old Halsted paradigm of ‘See one, Do one, Teach one’ has come to an end.
State-of-the-art laboratories equipped with highly realistic operating rooms and technologies, inanimate and live tissue models, anatomical specimens, and virtual simulators represent the modern essentials of surgical training for surgeons to learn safely and effectively to perform basic and advanced techniques.

The use of technology for the objective assessment of surgical skills fulfils the educational model for the surgeons of the third millennium.