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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

Ambroise Paré


Seance of wednesday 13 september 2023 (Communications libres)

DOI number : 10.26299/hnpq-kb83/emem.2023.25.01


The lecture is not aimed at describing the whole life and work of the man who has been named “The father of French surgery”, who served five successive kings of France, but to remind some remarkable events of his long career.

At his first time on the battlefield, he replaced the boiling oil that was used to treat war wounds, by a less aggressive mixture that he invented. For the first time on the battlefield, he performed femoral vessels ligation during amputation. He successfully treated the spectacular wound of François de Guise provoked by a spear that penetrated through the face from side to side. He healed the king Henri II, fatally injured at jousting. He was beside Coligny when the admiral was murdered; what was the signal to start the St Bartholomew massacre, and he survived the bloodbath.