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The e-mémoires of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie

A New Treatment of Lapeyronie’s Disease by Local Injections of Plasma Rich Platelets (PRP) and Hyaluronic Acid. Preliminary Results


Seance of wednesday 23 april 2014 (COMMUNICATIONS LIBRES)


Objectives. Evaluate the feasibility and the efficacy of a minimally invasive treatment of LaPeyronie’s disease (PD) using intralesional injections of autologous serum rich in platelets and growth factors (PRP) with hyaluronic acid (HLA).Patients and methods. Thirteen patients (mean age 57.5y) suffering Peyronie’s disease including 8 with curvatures angles >50° and 5 with deformities (strictures and/or deviation <30° were treated during two months with 4 sessions of injections. A total of 8 ml of whole blood is collected and transferred directly to 2 tubes which content a special gel and HLA. Tubes are centrifuged 5mn at 1500g force and slowly homogenized before being injected, under local anesthesia, in all diseased part of the albuginea. Controls are done one, three and six months (then annually) after completion of the four sessions. Data collected were angle of curvature, size and echographic density of the plaques, International Index of the erectile function-5items (IIEF-5).and the global satisfaction of the patient.Results. Upon a 9.3 months mean follow up, 10 (77%) of the 13 patients are improved with a mean 30% decrease of the curvature and a diminished density and size of the plaques in 7 cases (53%). IIEF-5 is unchanged or improved in all the cases but one for who it was detected a major caverno-venous leak. The only complication was an important hematoma which disappeared with local ointment.Conclusions. Positive results of this short preliminary series of patients treated by intralesional injections of PRP+HLA in LaPeyronie’s disease are encouraging for the methodology (simplicity) and the practice (inocuity and efficacy). They validate the faisability ad potential efficacy of the autologous cellular therapy. We recommend and shall lead a forthcoming international study to validate this first report.